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Need an Oak Wilt certified arborist?  Click here.

The Costly Threat of Oak Wilt

Oak Wilt is a contagious fungal disease that can kill many species within just a few months. While an outbreak often starts with sap-seeking beetles which carry fungal spores from an infected tree to an open wound or fresh cut of a healthy tree, the disease quickly spreads to nearby trees via interconnected root systems.


Once an outbreak starts it's nearly impossible to contain. Timely application of fungicide can spare many oak species, but without treatment fewer than 10% will survive. Fungicide is typically 75% less expensive than removing a dead tree, so WOHA strongly urges residents to consult a qualifed arborist when the risk is imminent. 


The East side of Whispering Oaks has battled an outbreak for over a decade with moderate success (details here). Unfortunately, the disease is still progressing and has caught some residents off-guard, resulting in costly tree removal which can undermine a property's appeal and value.


WOHA partners with Texas A&M Forestry Service to track the outbreak which progresses approximately 100 feet each year. Staff update the map below every 12-24 months.


This page provides answers to common questions about the disease and also includes referrals to properly certified arborists which can assist residents.

oak tree in whispering oaks san antonio texas

Map of Eastside Outbreak

Texas A&M Forest Service tracks Oak Wilt progression within Whispering Oaks. This most recent map includes additional data collected by WOHA. The map identifies homeowners at increasing levels of risk who are urged to promptly discuss treatment options with a licensed arborist (see provided list).

Map 2024.08.png

Frequently Asked Questions

Click to view or print helpful information about Oak Wilt and how to protect your property. Then click to take our online quiz to test your knowledge about this deadly and costly disease.

OakWilt Q-A image.JPG

Stay vigilant to avoid costly surprises.

Look periodically for signs of the disease in nearby properties.

Assess your level of risk by talking to neighbors.

Promptly consult an arborist when disease is found within 100 ft.

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